Discovering Self-Awareness & Soul Connections with Lesley Corte
Limitless Living
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Chuck Anderson

Discovering Self-Awareness & Soul Connections with Lesley Corte

S1 E11 • Aug 29, 2024 • 29 mins

In this episode, Chuck Anderson introduces Lesley Corte and her journey into psychic development. Lesley shares her story of past life regression and how it led to unveiling spirit guides and past lives. She discusses the growth in self-awareness that can come from past life insights and how she assists others with their past life regression experiences. Lesley explains the indications for exploring past life regression and delves into the roles of family and soulmates through these experiences. The episode concludes with a book segment, featuring recommendations and Lesley's own book, "Gems of Time."

Key Points

  • Trusting your intuition can lead to profound personal insights and growth. Exploring past lives can help you understand current relationships and life patterns. Meditation is a key practice for developing intuition and connecting with your deeper self.
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